The Ups Store Locations The UPS Store 107 Industrial Ct, Lenoir NC 28645 (828) 754-8689 The United Parcel Service of America, also known as UPS, has been operational since 1907. It is one of the world’s largest package delivery companies that provides a range of transportation and logistics services. The company manages the flow of information, goods and funds in more than 200 countries and territories in North America and Europe. The United Parcel Service of America also maintains a staff of over 410,000 employees. It operates nearly 1,700 facilities under the names of The UPS Store and Mail Boxes Etc. The company additionally manages a fleet of package cars, vans, tractors and motorcycles. The United Parcel Service of America s subsidiaries include UPS Supply Chain Solutions and UPS Freight. Mail & Shipping Services , Mailbox Rental , Shipping Services , Notaries Public , Copying & Duplicating Service , Fax Service , Printing Services master card, visa